Web3, the age of symmetrical marketing

antoineh.eth I canablava.xyz
1 min readJul 20, 2022

It’s Monday 10 am, and your #CMO is happy. He got a 0.76% click-through rate on his paid campaign*…
How the hell do we settle for such a low ROI? 🫣 ⬇️

Add to this nonsence rate the bad press of #spamming people with a so-called #targetedadvertising, well, something has to change.

But on the other hand, 74% web users say #personaldata profiling used to curate experience is a positive thing (source: Accenture)

So what’s the trick?
Well 92% of customers appreciate companies giving them #control over what data is collected (source: Salesforce)

👉 It’s time to change your interactions with your #leads and #customers; healthier ones, based on mutual #transparency & #trust.
These happen to be at the core of #web3.

🫶 Are you ready to be a symmetrical-marketing company?

*According to the B2B House, in 2022 on LinkedIn, the global average CTR for sponsored content is between 0.44% — 0.65%



antoineh.eth I canablava.xyz

Helping companies integrate web3 into their traditional marketing mix. 20y exp. in 🇫🇷 🇮🇳 🇸🇪🇫🇮🇷🇴. https://leadnostic.com/ & https://marketingbyNFT.com